Faculty Ethics Assessment Committee – Humanities


Summer recess FEtC-H – submit your applications in time!

Due to the summer recess (until 1 September) and the holidays of members of the FEtC-H, it may not be possible to assess new or revised applications during July and August. If assessment is possible, it may take longer than normal. Applications for research to start after the summer should be submitted well in advance….

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New sample documents

A new set of sample documents for participants has been published on intranet. For any questions, please contact the secretary to the FETC-H or the privacy officer.

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Christmas break FEtC-H

Due to the (upcoming) Christmas break and the holidays of members of the FEtC-H, the assessment of new or revised applications will be delayed between Friday 15 December and Monday 8 January. Also, responses to e-mails will be delayed until after 8 January.

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Data management plans: an advantage in ethical review

According to the policy of the Faculty of Humanities, drawing up a data management plan (DMP) for your research has been obligatory since 1 January 2021. The FEtC-H does not assess DMPs, but composing a DMP helps researchers in thinking about: exactly what data to collect; how to process these data; where to store them;…

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New templates informed consent documents

You will now also find information on the Faculty Ethics Assessment Committee Humanities (FEtC-H) on intranet under ‘Research, Rules and legislation’. To simplify applications and thus speed up the process, this intranet page now also contains new templates for the informed consent documents. The text of these documents now complies with the GDPR (AVG). For…

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